Last night, I was reading through some old stories that I've written, mostly short stories, or vignettes, I should say, because I rarely have time to get an entire story written out due you know, I used to really have fun writing. There was one story in there, in particular, that I thought was really good, a little piece of fic that I'd written for a friend. I won't get into the details of it, but hot damn.....I did a good job on that one.
Another story in there is/was a longer piece of fanfic that I started that I still want to finish someday, and hopefully, I'll find the time here and there to do so. I'm sure by the time that happens, there won't be a soul alive interested in reading it, but at least I'll have the satisfaction of reading it myself.
I truly do wonder sometimes how long the actual fanfic genre has been acknowledged....whether it's just a virtual thing or if it was around in some form (besides in peoples personal lives) before that, because I recently found some stories I wrote while cleaning out my parents house (another whole blog in itself) from around 1982 and 1983, when I was 10 or 11. They were stories about that old show "Tales Of the Gold Monkey" which I was obsessed with (and YES, Stephen Collins as Jake Cutter was my first major celebrity crush). There were 4 or 5 short, but complete stories about adventures with Jake and I and the Golden Goose and the dog Jack....and I have to say, they weren't half bad. The female heroine of the show, Sarah, was "conspicuously" missing from all the stories.....a conscious decision of my adolescent brain, no doubt, because I'm quite sure I wanted Jake all to myself back then. Ah, the raging hormones of a 10 year old. Ick.
So anyway, it was pretty cool to find the stories (and many, many others) and realize that writing is something that I've always done, in some shape or form. At least I know that the person I am now is just the natural continuation of the person I was then. I'm just older, wiser, and have a better vocabulary. And much, MUCH more experience to draw on.
On a completely different note, I'm currently LOVING two new CD's I bought over the weekend: The White Stripes "Icky Thump" and Rivers Cuomo's "Alone". Pure musical happiness, let me tell you. "Icky Thump" just makes me want to get up and go seven ways of crazy and Jack White is all kinds of sexy. Rivers "Alone" CD is essentially an album of Weezer demo's, and I LOVE demo's. There's nothing better than witnessing first hand the evolution of a song, and Rivers has one of those flat out, open book, honest voices that I crave. There's not many that have them, but he's one. At least in my opinion. Anyway, this CD has a lot of demo's, some released before, some "leaked" over the years, but it's nice to have this compilation all together in one place. I'm a big Weezer fan, but I'd not heard many of these before.....thorough musical bliss!
And so, accompanied by good music, I am off to sojourn into the familiar territory of dinner preparation and home work supervision.
Until we blog again.