Friday, June 29, 2007

From the Deepest Well

So, is it so wrong to just once...ONCE....want to go on a long, aimless drive, destined for nowhere in particular, for no other reason than to just enjoy being?

Is it against reason to want 10 minutes to talk, uninterrupted, about anything?

I don't feel like being melon-collie, (actually, that made me smile, tee hee) but I am.

For the most part.

A little.

Do you have one of those songs (or several) that make you stop what you're doing, stare off into nothing and just think?

I just had one. And as usual, it was the same old thinking, about the same old thing, and the same old feelings, and the same old melon-collie (*snicker*) set in. Now, I want to listen to an entire playlist of melon-collie inducing songs.

Or maybe I just want a collie. Or melon. I think Cantaloupe is in season.

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