Friday, July 13, 2007

Good Stars Surround Us

There were just so many good things today, so many things that make my entire body, mind, and spirit happy. Things that may be meaningless to others, but mean SO much to me.

First, there was a sense of accomplishment in getting my NAT status problems solved. I've been working on it for a month and a half now and seeing it resolve is extremely gratifying. It gave me this huge sense of accomplishment....a kind of superiority if you will. Not over anything living, just over my computer. It's good to look down on technology now and again.

There was also the CD...yes, THAT CD, the one that has been nagging me for a month now. After today, I'm just convinced that it was the context and the screwy song order, because once I blasted it today while I was in the kitchen, the whole damn thing just made sense, from beginning to end. Every song sounded perfect (except one. It's a real slow grower) and now I just want to listen to it over and over again.

A ticket offer from a friend. Looks and feels very promising and is uber exciting.

Brushed the dog to within an inch of his life, felt good enough to buy the kids a little toy each at the store, which made them happy and all lovey towards Mommy, which is always a good thing, cleaned the house, made nice with the hubby, bought some clothes, started getting ready for vacation (one more week! woot!) and thanks to my brother and his killer pool, I have a tan to die for already.

It's not often I have all around perfect days. But today was damn close.

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