Right On! Hope you have a fantastic time.....I'll be seeing them in 12 days myself, altho I've been so busy lately, I haven't had time to get amped up yet
If you find that you've navigated to this page, it may mean one of several things:
1. You found this page by accident. 2. You followed a link I posted somewhere 3. You're one of my friends and actually like me 4. You are interested in the morose banalities of my life
If it's #1, welcome. If it's #2, glad you were curious. If it's #3, hey there! If it's #4, well...you need therapy.
Right On! Hope you have a fantastic time.....I'll be seeing them in 12 days myself, altho I've been so busy lately, I haven't had time to get amped up yet
We'll have to compare notes afterwards! :-D
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