It's official.
My mother has lost it.
We've spent the last two weeks touring houses, searching MLS listings, speaking tirelessly about real estate and the pros/cons of eat in kitchens and she hasn't found one single redeeming quality in one single house we've looked at. It's because she's not mentally ready to sell her house and move and retire and all that, but she needs to get mentally ready or she's going to drive me bat shit insane.
I feel for her. I really, REALLY do. I can't imagine what it's like to have to sell the house you built, the house you brought your children home to and raised them in. She's extremely attached to her things (and as evidence of such, she hasn't actually changed any decor in the house since 1968) and she doesn't actually WANT to do any of this. But she has to because that lovely, wonderful institution called Social Security--you know, the program that was supposed to take care of my mothers generation during their golden years--is barely giving her enough money to buy toilet paper with...and wiping your ass is a pretty important thing! (If FDR was alive today, I'd beat him with his own leg braces.) Along with her pension, and the fact that my Dad has a couple more years to work, they'll survive, but there's no way they can keep their house, sadly.
So, our solution is to go in on a house together. A mother/daughter type deal for a mother and a daughter. We even found a mother/daughter real estate team! No shitting! It's the type of residence that can benefit all of us. They can live peacefully knowing they'll be taken care of in their old age, for a meager amount of money, and we can finally get our butts into a bigger place. Works out for everyone, right?
Every house has a problem. Every house is unsatisfactory...for her. I've seen some doozies that I LOVED that would work out great for us, but in the spirit of compromise, they're overlooked because it wasn't right for EVERYONE. Okay, I can deal. But in the meantime, my house is going on the market in a couple of weeks and if it sells fast, I'm up the proverbial creek without a paddle in sight. It'll be back to renting for a bit until we can all settle on something, I guess. And renting sucks.
I've tried talking to her about it all, and I know she's not purposefully trying to be difficult, but if she doesn't get herself into the right head space soon, I'm going to abandon the whole thing, because frankly, babying my mother is having an adverse effect on me. The more I baby her, the more I want to curl up into my own fetal position and cry.
Don't get me wrong. I love her. I would do anything for her. I owe her my life, but holy, HOLY LORD, I guess I'm just not compassionate enough to get her through this. Thank God for my brother. He's the same kind of emotive-never-wants-change kind of person that she is and he's been good for her to talk to. I think it's because I'm too close to the whole thing. I'm so anxious for my OWN change, that I'm not seeing how anxious this change is making HER. Or at least, I'm not as soft about it.
Dios Mio.
I'm even speaking Spanish. It must be bad.
I know that something will work out eventually. I know that everything will fall into its own karmic place in it's own due time.
I just have to stop checking my watch.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Standing On A Wave....Again
Off to the beach, chicos y chicas! Rhode Island, here we come. I need more sun and fun before the fall claims us.
That is all. Carry on as normal.
That is all. Carry on as normal.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I Was Standing On A Wave...
HBO just canceled "John From Cincinnati".
In the words of my Australian friends, "This shits me to tears."
God forbid they invest in an intelligent, well written, perplexing, complicated hour of television when they can just keep showing drivel like Flight Of the Conchords. And that's not a jab at Bret and Jemaine....I like the boys much, but the show is just not that funny.
So, I guess we'll never find out who John REALLY was, what his purpose was, what happens with the Yost's, Barry, Ramon, Dickstein, Doc Smith (hottie), Cass, Link, Tina, and Stinkweed, The Chemist, Vietnam Joe, Steady Freddy and Palaka, Jerri and the Harelip, Kai, and my favorite character, Bill Jacks, played by the unmatched and unparalleled Ed O'Neill. (The man was genius in this show. Give him an Emmy, canceled or not.)
I'll just spend the next 5 years speculating, thank you very much.
So, that's it. I'm not investing myself in anymore new shows, because I keep getting screwed. I loved Deadwood....dead. Rome...leveled. Lucky Louie...not quite so lucky after all. John From Cincinnati.....wiped out. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm a curse to potential HBO series everywhere.
At least I have Curb to look forward to now. It's what I like to call "Train Wreck TV" because you just KNOW it's going to get ugly, but you can't turn away. Larry David is the master of cringeworthy television.
So, sayonara John. Back to Cincinnati with thee. I cast you out.
I don't know Butchie instead.
In the words of my Australian friends, "This shits me to tears."
God forbid they invest in an intelligent, well written, perplexing, complicated hour of television when they can just keep showing drivel like Flight Of the Conchords. And that's not a jab at Bret and Jemaine....I like the boys much, but the show is just not that funny.
So, I guess we'll never find out who John REALLY was, what his purpose was, what happens with the Yost's, Barry, Ramon, Dickstein, Doc Smith (hottie), Cass, Link, Tina, and Stinkweed, The Chemist, Vietnam Joe, Steady Freddy and Palaka, Jerri and the Harelip, Kai, and my favorite character, Bill Jacks, played by the unmatched and unparalleled Ed O'Neill. (The man was genius in this show. Give him an Emmy, canceled or not.)
I'll just spend the next 5 years speculating, thank you very much.
So, that's it. I'm not investing myself in anymore new shows, because I keep getting screwed. I loved Deadwood....dead. Rome...leveled. Lucky Louie...not quite so lucky after all. John From Cincinnati.....wiped out. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm a curse to potential HBO series everywhere.
At least I have Curb to look forward to now. It's what I like to call "Train Wreck TV" because you just KNOW it's going to get ugly, but you can't turn away. Larry David is the master of cringeworthy television.
So, sayonara John. Back to Cincinnati with thee. I cast you out.
I don't know Butchie instead.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I'll Find You A Shelter
I. Need. To. Sleep. Soon.
Maybe if I keep repeating the mantra, my body will be ready to relax. Until then, I still just have that memory ricocheting around my know the one I mean.
How am I ever supposed to sleep again with that in my head? It's bad enough being a borderline insomniac, but, the ante has been upped and whoever bet on me barely sleeping again for the next year is probably going to take the pot.
Every time I close my eyes, there he is.
Maybe if I keep repeating the mantra, my body will be ready to relax. Until then, I still just have that memory ricocheting around my know the one I mean.
How am I ever supposed to sleep again with that in my head? It's bad enough being a borderline insomniac, but, the ante has been upped and whoever bet on me barely sleeping again for the next year is probably going to take the pot.
Every time I close my eyes, there he is.
Friday, August 10, 2007
The World Is Somehow Different...
Well, it's 11 AM, I've just rolled out of bed after a fitful sleep, I still have music resonating in my head, and the coffee is barely doing it for me.
I swear, this getting old shit isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Last night, Crowded House treated me to my dream setlist, as follows:
(dutifully typed into the Blackberry song by song by Mr. Annie!)
There Goes God
Something So Strong which Neil SOMEHOW segued into "The Only Living Boy In New York" --freakin' amazing
Say That Again --LOVE this one live. LOVE.
Transit Lounge --like it live, it retains it's groove and Liam doing the wailing is FAR more entertaining than that woman
Walking On the Spot --a request that Neil fulfilled and I'm SO glad he did. Easily one of the most GORGEOUS versions of this song I've ever heard. What a TREAT!
Chocolate Cake --a surprise, and a lot of fun. Neil segues this into "Born To Be Alive" and "We Are Family" He sings "I got all my brothers with me!"
People Are Like Suns --not one of my favorite album tracks, but gorgeous live, with an energy of it's own
Nobody Wants To --beautiful
Private Universe --jaw droppingly, devastatingly amazing. So much power behind this song, it was almost a religious experience
Don't Dream It's Over --Neil singing from the pit again on a crate and I'm thinking "Please don't fall Neil" as we all know he's not the most graceful person. An audience member joins in on keys and does an amazing job of it
Silent House --completely amazing again. I've fallen even more in love with the song since hearing it live
It was at this point in the show that someone yelled out a request for "Persuasion" *snort* and Neil pointed out that Mark had written a guitar part for it or something and encouraged Mark to sing the song. I'm excited now...we're getting Mark! So Mark ..or Marcus as Nick calls him...steps to the mike, strums the first chords and sings "You and I.." and stops claiming that's all he remembers. COP OUT! Neil turns to Liam and asks him if HE remembers it and Liam says that he totally ripped Persuasion off for one of his own songs, Neil encourages him to play it and he rips into an amazing acoustic of "Music Moves My Feet", accompanied by Neil.
Pour Le Monde --can't say enough about it live
Distant Sun --don't need to say anything about this one. we all know.
Weather With You --very rousing crowd sing a long, lots of fun
Locked Out --one of my favorite CH rockers, never fails to please
It's at this point that Neil tells us about his Dad and the music that he loved and listened to all his life and that he wants to play him a song. He decides he wants to call his Dad "A New York tradition" he dubs it and someone, I think it was John Walsh, dutifully dials the phone, but seems to have trouble. So Neil plays the song first, a beautiful old jazz number called "I Can't Get Started". I've heard it done by legends like Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday, but let me tell you, Neil gave them both a run for their money. He was flawless and his voice was beautiful. After, they finally get through to Richard Finn on the phone, only to get his answering machine. We all said "HI"
Four Seasons In One Day --gorgeousness personified
World Where You Live --easily the most fun song of the night, with a HUGE sing along, Neil having fun leading us
Encore 2
Don't Stop Now --I love this one live.
Fall At Your Feet --beautiful, but bittersweet as I knew this would be the last song of the night
The dynamic at the Beacon was SO different from Foxwoods because the audience was alive through the entire show. This was not a capacity crowd of so-so "hey now" fans, or a crowd that was there out of curiosity. I think it's safe to say that every person in that room was there for Crowded House and it showed in every song. We were on our feet most of the night, singing along to everything, basking in the moment, knowing this was New York's last stop for awhile so it was almost as though everyone wanted to hold on a little longer, even the band. Leaving too early would have been like breaking the spell that had been cast over us, so we all just sat back and enjoyed the magic for as long as we could. Corny, yes, but that's what it felt like.
H&P: Matt was in a t-shirt when I saw him pre-show, (he walked right up my aisle. so did Sharon!) and I'm fairly sure that's what he had on FOR the show. Mark in his usual dark suit and Nick in the same white suit from Foxwoods. Neil was in his dark suit, this time with the black sequin shirt underneath which I think is makes him sparkle! Hair was extremely sticky uppy.
After the show, I was standing outside and Matt walked right by me. I turned around and he was talking to a couple people, and trying to get a hold of someone on his cell. I shook his hand and thanked him for an amazing show. He thanked me back. What a doll. Pictures do him NO justice. He's tall and sweet and is simply the most approachable person I've ever met. He exudes friendliness.
Walked to the stage doors and waited a bit. Walked back and was talking with Cydsongs and some other Frenz, then walked back when the throng started to get excited. I saw Neil signing autographs and having his picture snapped, so I waited my turn, was able to shake his hand, tell him how absolutely amazing the show was, he signed my poster and smiled at me and thanked ME! Dream come true people. Dream come true. I've been waiting 20 years to shake that mans hand and the moment did not disappoint. He's so LITTLE, but so gorgeous, completely warm and approachable. I didn't feel an ounce of nervousness at all, just excitement. Alas, no picture, just a tingly hand and an autograph to relish forever!
Walked back up and Liam was sitting in the bus drivers seat with the window open, so I asked him to sign my poster as well, which he did, I told him how much I loved the CD and he thanked me. Very soft spoken, that one, and very handsome, beard and all.
Anyway, that's it.
For anyone ordering shows from Kufala, may I recommend this one? It will NOT disappoint.
And for everyone seeing CH after this, prepare yourselves. You're in for a treat.
Special thanks to cydsongs for hooking up with me, hanging out with me during Liam and skipping out on Pete Yorn with me. It was fantastic seeing you again!
I swear, this getting old shit isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Last night, Crowded House treated me to my dream setlist, as follows:
(dutifully typed into the Blackberry song by song by Mr. Annie!)
There Goes God
Something So Strong which Neil SOMEHOW segued into "The Only Living Boy In New York" --freakin' amazing
Say That Again --LOVE this one live. LOVE.
Transit Lounge --like it live, it retains it's groove and Liam doing the wailing is FAR more entertaining than that woman
Walking On the Spot --a request that Neil fulfilled and I'm SO glad he did. Easily one of the most GORGEOUS versions of this song I've ever heard. What a TREAT!
Chocolate Cake --a surprise, and a lot of fun. Neil segues this into "Born To Be Alive" and "We Are Family" He sings "I got all my brothers with me!"
People Are Like Suns --not one of my favorite album tracks, but gorgeous live, with an energy of it's own
Nobody Wants To --beautiful
Private Universe --jaw droppingly, devastatingly amazing. So much power behind this song, it was almost a religious experience
Don't Dream It's Over --Neil singing from the pit again on a crate and I'm thinking "Please don't fall Neil" as we all know he's not the most graceful person. An audience member joins in on keys and does an amazing job of it
Silent House --completely amazing again. I've fallen even more in love with the song since hearing it live
It was at this point in the show that someone yelled out a request for "Persuasion" *snort* and Neil pointed out that Mark had written a guitar part for it or something and encouraged Mark to sing the song. I'm excited now...we're getting Mark! So Mark ..or Marcus as Nick calls him...steps to the mike, strums the first chords and sings "You and I.." and stops claiming that's all he remembers. COP OUT! Neil turns to Liam and asks him if HE remembers it and Liam says that he totally ripped Persuasion off for one of his own songs, Neil encourages him to play it and he rips into an amazing acoustic of "Music Moves My Feet", accompanied by Neil.
Pour Le Monde --can't say enough about it live
Distant Sun --don't need to say anything about this one. we all know.
Weather With You --very rousing crowd sing a long, lots of fun
Locked Out --one of my favorite CH rockers, never fails to please
It's at this point that Neil tells us about his Dad and the music that he loved and listened to all his life and that he wants to play him a song. He decides he wants to call his Dad "A New York tradition" he dubs it and someone, I think it was John Walsh, dutifully dials the phone, but seems to have trouble. So Neil plays the song first, a beautiful old jazz number called "I Can't Get Started". I've heard it done by legends like Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday, but let me tell you, Neil gave them both a run for their money. He was flawless and his voice was beautiful. After, they finally get through to Richard Finn on the phone, only to get his answering machine. We all said "HI"
Four Seasons In One Day --gorgeousness personified
World Where You Live --easily the most fun song of the night, with a HUGE sing along, Neil having fun leading us
Encore 2
Don't Stop Now --I love this one live.
Fall At Your Feet --beautiful, but bittersweet as I knew this would be the last song of the night
The dynamic at the Beacon was SO different from Foxwoods because the audience was alive through the entire show. This was not a capacity crowd of so-so "hey now" fans, or a crowd that was there out of curiosity. I think it's safe to say that every person in that room was there for Crowded House and it showed in every song. We were on our feet most of the night, singing along to everything, basking in the moment, knowing this was New York's last stop for awhile so it was almost as though everyone wanted to hold on a little longer, even the band. Leaving too early would have been like breaking the spell that had been cast over us, so we all just sat back and enjoyed the magic for as long as we could. Corny, yes, but that's what it felt like.
H&P: Matt was in a t-shirt when I saw him pre-show, (he walked right up my aisle. so did Sharon!) and I'm fairly sure that's what he had on FOR the show. Mark in his usual dark suit and Nick in the same white suit from Foxwoods. Neil was in his dark suit, this time with the black sequin shirt underneath which I think is makes him sparkle! Hair was extremely sticky uppy.
After the show, I was standing outside and Matt walked right by me. I turned around and he was talking to a couple people, and trying to get a hold of someone on his cell. I shook his hand and thanked him for an amazing show. He thanked me back. What a doll. Pictures do him NO justice. He's tall and sweet and is simply the most approachable person I've ever met. He exudes friendliness.
Walked to the stage doors and waited a bit. Walked back and was talking with Cydsongs and some other Frenz, then walked back when the throng started to get excited. I saw Neil signing autographs and having his picture snapped, so I waited my turn, was able to shake his hand, tell him how absolutely amazing the show was, he signed my poster and smiled at me and thanked ME! Dream come true people. Dream come true. I've been waiting 20 years to shake that mans hand and the moment did not disappoint. He's so LITTLE, but so gorgeous, completely warm and approachable. I didn't feel an ounce of nervousness at all, just excitement. Alas, no picture, just a tingly hand and an autograph to relish forever!
Walked back up and Liam was sitting in the bus drivers seat with the window open, so I asked him to sign my poster as well, which he did, I told him how much I loved the CD and he thanked me. Very soft spoken, that one, and very handsome, beard and all.
Anyway, that's it.
For anyone ordering shows from Kufala, may I recommend this one? It will NOT disappoint.
And for everyone seeing CH after this, prepare yourselves. You're in for a treat.
Special thanks to cydsongs for hooking up with me, hanging out with me during Liam and skipping out on Pete Yorn with me. It was fantastic seeing you again!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
In the Nightclub Foxwoods
Breathe. Just breathe. In. Out. Compose yourself. Gather your thoughts. Attempt to write coherently.
That's me. 16 hours after the end of last nights Crowded House show and I'm still trying in earnest to find the person I was beforehand, but I think that person is gone. Transformed. Never be quite the same.
First, the details, in glorious Finn acronyms because I'm too lazy to type everything out. (If you can decipher the list, you're a true Finn fan!)
No second encore as the lights came up and the mean Foxwoods people kicked us out. I can't imagine there being a noise curfew in a casino....seems a bit oxymoronic to me, but who am I to say. Second encore was to be PU and BBHS, but sadly, they remain forever unplayed.
The wonderful John Walsh snagged me Matt's setlist, after I literally said "Please please please please please...!?" Nope, I have no shame. I wanted a setlist. Bad. My forever thanks, Mr. Walsh.
H&P: Matt was hidden behind the drums all night, so I never got a good gander at what he was wearing. I know, I'm bad. Mark was in a dark suit, very typical of Mark. Wonderful head of curly, get-yer-hands-in-it hair, great smile, great voice, great everything. Nick was donning a very snappy white suit which Neil made a cheeky remark about early on. Don't ask me to remember it. All I know is that I laughed, so it must have been funny. Of course, Neil probably could have been spitting blood a la Gene Simmons last night and I would have giggled at him. Yes, he's ALL THAT in person.
Speaking of Mr. Finn, he was absolutely ravishing in his dark suit with that to die for white shirt with red embroidery thing underneath....this one:

Um....yeah. **leers** Enough said about that. His hair started out all sticky uppy and continued on through the set getting flatter and flatter...probably sweatier and sweatier...ahem. Sorry. Hair looked great. A+ for Neil.
The dynamic in the room was a bit strange, being filled more by curious casino goers than actual die hards, but I will say, those of us that WERE there for the Crowdies more than made up for it. I was lucky enough to be in the front row...the very enthusiastic front row, which was backed by the very enthusiastic second row. Lots of dancing ensued. It was all good.
I'm going to C&P what I wrote on OTS from here on out, because I really can't expand on it too much. I said all I wanted to there, so there's not any reason for me to try to outdo myself (with the exception of the H&P, which I already covered here.)
According to my setlist, there was to be a second encore, which it seems the powers that be at the Fox Theater saw fit to jip us out of. We were to get Private Universe and BBHS. Oh well.
Neil did a wonderful little improv of Italian Plastic mid-set and told the story about how Paul had mixed up the genders in the song so everyone in Italy thought he was gay.
There was also a lot of talk about Fish and Chips, which Nick ordered quite early on in the show, and which showed up mid show (after Neil wondered aloud "Where are the fucking fish and chips?") complete on a rolling cart with table cloth. Nick ate a hunk of fish, Neil had some fries and shared with Elroy, and then Neil offered the plate to the audience, walking right along the front of the stage with the plate held out. What a generous man.
Anyway, I couldn't remember all the banter if I tried, but I know that I was laughing most of the night.
You can really see how these songs have come together since the St. Patricks webcast. Everything sounds tight and well played, but retains an air of spontaneity, freshness, and unpredictability, which I think is the Crowded House forte. Any song can go anywhere if they want it to and is always on the verge of doing so.
While I don't know anything technical about drumming, I can say with all certainty that Matt is a kick ass drummer, who is clearly having the time of his life. He adds power and punch one minute and restraint and quiet the next. His versatility, and his ability to do it so well, is surely what must have sold him. He's an amazing drummer and he fits. He fits perfectly.
Mark Hart was ON. Perfect harmony, perfect guitar, perfect keys. You don't get the full impact of what he does in the band until you see him run back and forth between instruments live. Consummate performer, very quiet. Told us a short story about hopping a train in Kansas when he was 12 and getting arrested for it. Egged on by Neil of course. Other than that, the man didn't say a word, but he doesn't have to. His presence is enough of a statement.
I've seen many people describe Nick as a "liquid" bass player and watching him play, you understand what they mean. He's just in the moment, he's relaxed, he's present, and he's happy. There is happiness permeating this band. No stress, no expectation, no pressure. Just a happiness to be playing together again, with a measure of humor, respect and enough fire to prove that they still kick ass.
Neil Finn is in amazing voice. He sounded like a 20 year old last night, hitting every high and every low effortlessly and flawlessly. His voice has such a gentle maturity to it now, but enough of a delicious edge so that every song he sings sounds like it was sculpted around his voice.
So, that's it. The show was amazing and I get to do it all over again on Thursday, with crappier seats. But it's good, it's all good. Having front row last night, having the opportunity to be that up close and personal was something that I'll never forget and very likely something that will never happen again.
Shame on me for doubting this comeback. Shame on me. I stand very humbly and very happily corrected.
That's me. 16 hours after the end of last nights Crowded House show and I'm still trying in earnest to find the person I was beforehand, but I think that person is gone. Transformed. Never be quite the same.
First, the details, in glorious Finn acronyms because I'm too lazy to type everything out. (If you can decipher the list, you're a true Finn fan!)
No second encore as the lights came up and the mean Foxwoods people kicked us out. I can't imagine there being a noise curfew in a casino....seems a bit oxymoronic to me, but who am I to say. Second encore was to be PU and BBHS, but sadly, they remain forever unplayed.
The wonderful John Walsh snagged me Matt's setlist, after I literally said "Please please please please please...!?" Nope, I have no shame. I wanted a setlist. Bad. My forever thanks, Mr. Walsh.
H&P: Matt was hidden behind the drums all night, so I never got a good gander at what he was wearing. I know, I'm bad. Mark was in a dark suit, very typical of Mark. Wonderful head of curly, get-yer-hands-in-it hair, great smile, great voice, great everything. Nick was donning a very snappy white suit which Neil made a cheeky remark about early on. Don't ask me to remember it. All I know is that I laughed, so it must have been funny. Of course, Neil probably could have been spitting blood a la Gene Simmons last night and I would have giggled at him. Yes, he's ALL THAT in person.
Speaking of Mr. Finn, he was absolutely ravishing in his dark suit with that to die for white shirt with red embroidery thing underneath....this one:

Um....yeah. **leers** Enough said about that. His hair started out all sticky uppy and continued on through the set getting flatter and flatter...probably sweatier and sweatier...ahem. Sorry. Hair looked great. A+ for Neil.
The dynamic in the room was a bit strange, being filled more by curious casino goers than actual die hards, but I will say, those of us that WERE there for the Crowdies more than made up for it. I was lucky enough to be in the front row...the very enthusiastic front row, which was backed by the very enthusiastic second row. Lots of dancing ensued. It was all good.
I'm going to C&P what I wrote on OTS from here on out, because I really can't expand on it too much. I said all I wanted to there, so there's not any reason for me to try to outdo myself (with the exception of the H&P, which I already covered here.)
According to my setlist, there was to be a second encore, which it seems the powers that be at the Fox Theater saw fit to jip us out of. We were to get Private Universe and BBHS. Oh well.
Neil did a wonderful little improv of Italian Plastic mid-set and told the story about how Paul had mixed up the genders in the song so everyone in Italy thought he was gay.
There was also a lot of talk about Fish and Chips, which Nick ordered quite early on in the show, and which showed up mid show (after Neil wondered aloud "Where are the fucking fish and chips?") complete on a rolling cart with table cloth. Nick ate a hunk of fish, Neil had some fries and shared with Elroy, and then Neil offered the plate to the audience, walking right along the front of the stage with the plate held out. What a generous man.
Anyway, I couldn't remember all the banter if I tried, but I know that I was laughing most of the night.
You can really see how these songs have come together since the St. Patricks webcast. Everything sounds tight and well played, but retains an air of spontaneity, freshness, and unpredictability, which I think is the Crowded House forte. Any song can go anywhere if they want it to and is always on the verge of doing so.
While I don't know anything technical about drumming, I can say with all certainty that Matt is a kick ass drummer, who is clearly having the time of his life. He adds power and punch one minute and restraint and quiet the next. His versatility, and his ability to do it so well, is surely what must have sold him. He's an amazing drummer and he fits. He fits perfectly.
Mark Hart was ON. Perfect harmony, perfect guitar, perfect keys. You don't get the full impact of what he does in the band until you see him run back and forth between instruments live. Consummate performer, very quiet. Told us a short story about hopping a train in Kansas when he was 12 and getting arrested for it. Egged on by Neil of course. Other than that, the man didn't say a word, but he doesn't have to. His presence is enough of a statement.
I've seen many people describe Nick as a "liquid" bass player and watching him play, you understand what they mean. He's just in the moment, he's relaxed, he's present, and he's happy. There is happiness permeating this band. No stress, no expectation, no pressure. Just a happiness to be playing together again, with a measure of humor, respect and enough fire to prove that they still kick ass.
Neil Finn is in amazing voice. He sounded like a 20 year old last night, hitting every high and every low effortlessly and flawlessly. His voice has such a gentle maturity to it now, but enough of a delicious edge so that every song he sings sounds like it was sculpted around his voice.
So, that's it. The show was amazing and I get to do it all over again on Thursday, with crappier seats. But it's good, it's all good. Having front row last night, having the opportunity to be that up close and personal was something that I'll never forget and very likely something that will never happen again.
Shame on me for doubting this comeback. Shame on me. I stand very humbly and very happily corrected.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
I've Been Tagged!
This hasn't happened since the playground in 5th grade! I'm so excited!
So, without further ado, my top 12 movies in no particular order.
1. Field Of Dreams--Kevin Costner, Ray Liotta, Baseball, and Burt Lancaster. Who can ask for anything more?
2. Raiders Of the Lost Ark--"Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?"
3. Yankee Doodle Dandy--What better piece of Americana is there? James Cagney was born to play the Yankee Doodle Boy.
4. A Fish Called Wanda--Simply one of the funniest movies ever. It's hard to steal the show when you're competing with John Cleese, Michael Palin and Jamie Lee Curtis, but somehow, Kevin Kline manages to do it. "DISAPPOINTED!"
5. The Godfather Part 1--I mean come on. Classic. What's better than Italians, food, guns, dead fish, and James Caan? Not much.
6. Goodfellas--"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster." Me too Henry. Me too.
7. Young Frankenstein--Mel Brooks best. Hands down.
8. Yellow Beard--If you ever want 'pee in your pants' funny, watch this one. Graham Chapman and Madeline Kahn. 'Nuff said.
9. The Shawshank Redemption--One of those that you have to watch every time it's on. I had read the Stephen King novella "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" YEARS ago, so to see it made into a movie, and such a good one at that, was a real treat.
10. American Psycho--Christian Bale is chilling (and hot) as the demented (or is he?) Patrick Bateman. I won't say it lived up to the book, but damn, this was a sick one. One of my faves.
11. Gone With the Wind--The ultimate love story set against a backdrop of horrible violence. Scarlet and Rhett try to figure each other out while the Civil War rages, and Scarlet TRULY finds out what she's made of. Gorgeous, historical, and classic all in one.
12. It's A Wonderful Life--Watch it every year, cry every year. Perfection.
Now that I finished, I thought of about 100 more that I could list, but I'll keep it to these 12 and reserve my right to change my mind.
That was fun!
So, without further ado, my top 12 movies in no particular order.
1. Field Of Dreams--Kevin Costner, Ray Liotta, Baseball, and Burt Lancaster. Who can ask for anything more?
2. Raiders Of the Lost Ark--"Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?"
3. Yankee Doodle Dandy--What better piece of Americana is there? James Cagney was born to play the Yankee Doodle Boy.
4. A Fish Called Wanda--Simply one of the funniest movies ever. It's hard to steal the show when you're competing with John Cleese, Michael Palin and Jamie Lee Curtis, but somehow, Kevin Kline manages to do it. "DISAPPOINTED!"
5. The Godfather Part 1--I mean come on. Classic. What's better than Italians, food, guns, dead fish, and James Caan? Not much.
6. Goodfellas--"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster." Me too Henry. Me too.
7. Young Frankenstein--Mel Brooks best. Hands down.
8. Yellow Beard--If you ever want 'pee in your pants' funny, watch this one. Graham Chapman and Madeline Kahn. 'Nuff said.
9. The Shawshank Redemption--One of those that you have to watch every time it's on. I had read the Stephen King novella "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" YEARS ago, so to see it made into a movie, and such a good one at that, was a real treat.
10. American Psycho--Christian Bale is chilling (and hot) as the demented (or is he?) Patrick Bateman. I won't say it lived up to the book, but damn, this was a sick one. One of my faves.
11. Gone With the Wind--The ultimate love story set against a backdrop of horrible violence. Scarlet and Rhett try to figure each other out while the Civil War rages, and Scarlet TRULY finds out what she's made of. Gorgeous, historical, and classic all in one.
12. It's A Wonderful Life--Watch it every year, cry every year. Perfection.
Now that I finished, I thought of about 100 more that I could list, but I'll keep it to these 12 and reserve my right to change my mind.
That was fun!
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