Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I Was Standing On A Wave...

HBO just canceled "John From Cincinnati".

In the words of my Australian friends, "This shits me to tears."

God forbid they invest in an intelligent, well written, perplexing, complicated hour of television when they can just keep showing drivel like Flight Of the Conchords. And that's not a jab at Bret and Jemaine....I like the boys much, but the show is just not that funny.

So, I guess we'll never find out who John REALLY was, what his purpose was, what happens with the Yost's, Barry, Ramon, Dickstein, Doc Smith (hottie), Cass, Link, Tina, and Stinkweed, The Chemist, Vietnam Joe, Steady Freddy and Palaka, Jerri and the Harelip, Kai, and my favorite character, Bill Jacks, played by the unmatched and unparalleled Ed O'Neill. (The man was genius in this show. Give him an Emmy, canceled or not.)

I'll just spend the next 5 years speculating, thank you very much.

So, that's it. I'm not investing myself in anymore new shows, because I keep getting screwed. I loved Deadwood....dead. Rome...leveled. Lucky Louie...not quite so lucky after all. John From Cincinnati.....wiped out. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm a curse to potential HBO series everywhere.

At least I have Curb to look forward to now. It's what I like to call "Train Wreck TV" because you just KNOW it's going to get ugly, but you can't turn away. Larry David is the master of cringeworthy television.

So, sayonara John. Back to Cincinnati with thee. I cast you out.

I don't know Butchie instead.

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